Hello Scott, Today I'm Reporting from Lafayette with a great hillside view of Purdue across the river. Actually reporting would not be a true description of what I'm about to admit. Maybe a plea for a return to sanity would be more appropriate. I'm not even going to address the main points of your topic here. Today, we have known it was coming since November. If we had been paying attention we should have known it was coming several years back but most of us were not paying attention or if we were we hoped that we were hallucinating. My 2024 journey toward 2025 has been nothing like your2024 journey through some deep dark canyons. With that in mind it makes me a little ashamed to whine about my life and the current state of affairs. Still I think most of your readers can relate to the feelings I'm having today. We heard wolves in the distance for more than 4 years, then came June 27th and suddenly we were backed toward the edge a large dark and bottomless hole. Wolves snarling, howling, and showing what they could do with those fangs. Finally.....November 5th and I backup up once more, stepping off into that deep dark hole, falling toward the unknown. I've tried not to think about this falling feeling. I've isolated myself by zoning out. If I don't think about it maybe it isn't true. For about 8 weeks I avoided the news as much as I could. I didn't even want to see the faces of the wolves. Now, today the bottom of that deep dark hole might be coming into view. Will we land on that part of the pit littered with jagged sharp rock or will we luck out and land in the soft sand, bounce a few times then get up and wipe ourselves off? Scott, Thank you fot what you do. I wish more people understood what you have been saying. Keep saying it. My very best regards from the banks of the Wabash.

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Thank you, Quentin.

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I have found that when I email my representatives, their response has been to tell me how I am wrong and why they won’t be voting as I would prefer.

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At least they respond. So many don't. Who is your rep? Do you ever call their office?

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My representative is Chris Campbell. I love her. The legislators are Baird, Banks and Young. Baird and Banks are far and away the rudest. Young is more civil.

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It's nice to at least have a responsive rep at the state level. That behavior certainly tracks for the federal officeholders.

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You know what? It’s really alarming the resources and dishonesty of the national Republican Party. This last election, they put up Schemekle (or something) against Chris. He drove around the area in a RV all painted up with his name, he probably spoke to people but I wasn’t interested… towards the end of the campaign, he hit a light fixture near campus, drove away, then procured insurance… all the while blaming others and denying what happened (in spite of picture evidence). I don’t even think he was from here. He may have obtained residency but I think he was from PA. I’m not 💯 of these details. He may have been from somewhere else but he wasn’t from IN.

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